The Chinese artist who has lived a life as the ‘Invisible Man’

Article on Liu Bolin by NewDaily

The Sydney Morning Herald | Is the artist a racist? Fiona Foley adds an edge to Ballarat Biennale08/30/2019

Liu Bolin is featured in The Sydney Morning Herald's review of this year’s Ballarat International Foto Biennale.

CNN | 'Invisible Man' Liu Bolin hides 20 people in famous Chinese painting

CNN covers Liu Bolin's latest work titled "CHIBI -- No BLOOD," which is part of his "Target" series. 

Forbes | Chinese Artist Liu Bolin Vanishes Into His Works Filled With Political and Social CommentaryAug 1, 2018

It was in 2005 that Liu Bolin initially became invisible, as a sign of silent protest when the Beijing artists’ village where he worked was demolished as part of restructuring for the 2008 Olympics.

NYT Art for Tomorrow 2017 | The Invisible ManMarch 10-13, 2017

Liu Bolin speaks with New York Times journalists on the topic of art and public life in the third edition of "Art for Tomorrow" at the W Doha Hotel & Residences, Qatar. (Photo courtesy of Art for Tomorrow, 2017)

photography of china | Festival Portrait(s) in Vichy invites Liu BolinJuly 19, 2017

Festival Portrait(s) in the French city of Vichy invites Chinese artist Liu Bolin to participate in this year's iteration. In this Q&A by Photography of China magazine, Fany Dupêchez of Festival Portrait(s) highlights the relevance of Liu's exploration of performance and self-portraiture, and how he tackles political, consumption, and environmental issues.

la parisien | Chinese artist Liu Bolin plays the pass-wall in VichyJune 18, 2017

AFP inteviews Liu Bolin about his work in "Portrait(s) Festival 2007".

the Washington post | Chinese artist Liu bolinJune 12, 2017

The Washington Post highlights Liu Bolin's participation with the SurfRider Foundation in hopes to bring awareness to water pollution. 

Beaux Arts Magazine | ÉLogE du prESquE inviSibLE (May 2017)May 1, 2017

French art magazine compares Liu Bolin's work to philospher Étienne Souriau writings. 

Gulf Times | Art for Tomorrow summit starts on Friday in DohaMarch 6, 2017

Liu Bolin will be participating in "The New York Times Are for Tomorrow Conference" held in Doha. 


Monika Abramczuk of TedX dissects Liu Bolin's use of camouflage in his work. 

ilsitodisicilia | Migrants, photos of Liu Bolin taken in Mineo to tell the invisibility of those who arrive in boatsFebruary 23, 2017

A short article and video dedicated to Liu Bolin's work in BAM Biennial Archipelago Mediterranean.

Gulf times | Top artists, journalists to attend Art for Tomorrow ConferenceFebruary 23, 2017

Liu Bolin, artists and journalists attend Art for Tomorrow Conference. 

New York Times | Liu Bolin performing for MonclerFebruary 14, 2017

Liu Bolin's collaboration with Annie Leibovitz and Moncler.

New york magazine | Liu Bolin performing for MonclerFebruary 6, 2017

Liu Bolin's collaboration with Annie Leibovitz and Moncler.

Harpers Bazaar Malasyia | the invisible manFebruary 2017

Hapers Bazaar Malaysia features Liu Bolin and his process. 

classical arts universe | Liu Bolin – An Interview with “The Invisible Man”January 21, 2017

The members of CAU do a Q&A with Liu Bolin.

Acclaim | Annie Leibovitz and Liu Bolin join forces for Moncler campaignJanuary 12, 2017

Moncler’s Spring/Summer 2017 Campaign including Liu Bolin and Annie Leibovitz. 

fashion week daily | Annie Leibovitz Shoots Liu Bolin, ‘The Invisible Man,’ for Moncler’s Spring/Summer ’17 CampaignJanuary 11, 2017

A behind the scenes video of Liu Bolin's collaboration with Annie Leibovitz and Moncler. 

Women's Wear Daily | Moncler’s Disappearing Spring CampaignJanuary 10, 2017

Women's Wear Daily features Liu Bolin's collaboration with Annie Leibovitz and Moncler for their new Spring collection. 

BLOUIN ARTINFO | 'Chinascape: From Rural to Urban' at Spazio Borgogno, MilanJanuary 3, 2017

Liu Bolin's work is featured in Blouin Artinfo as one of the artists exhibiting in "Chinascape" From Rural to Urban."

an optical illusion | Art Hacker by Liu BolinDecember 22, 2016

Art platform "An Optical Illusion" highlights Liu Bolin's depiction of the Mona Lisa in his solo show "Art Hacker."

BLOUIN ARTINFO | Liu Bolin’s ‘Art Hacker’ at Klein Sun Gallery, NYCDecember 20, 2016

Blouin Artinfo highlights Liu Bolin's solo show "Art Hacker" and his experimentation with "post-internet art." 

critical distance | Liu Bolin: Art HackerDecember 19, 2016

Curatorial and artist platform Critical Distance features Liu Bolin's solo show "Art Hacker" at the Klein Sun Gallery. 

crave | Secret Histories - Liu Bolin Introduces “Art Hacker,” Invoking the Spirit of the TimesDecember 15, 2016

California-based lifestyle website features Liu Bolin's solo show "Art Hacker" at Klein Sun Gallery. 

Tatinis | “Art Hacker”: Chinese artist Liu Bolin at Klein Sun Gallery New York – in picturesDecember 12, 2016

Online article explains Liu Bolin recreations of classical masterpieces by painting camouflage onto human subjects.

Art Radar | “Art Hacker”: Chinese artist Liu Bolin at Klein Sun Gallery New York – in picturesDecember 12, 2016

Exploring the online environment, Liu Bolin questions concepts of illusion and reality.

The Green Living | Liu Bolin and his "invisible man"December 12, 2016

Chinese Magazine "The Green Living" writes about Liu Bolin's individual interest in  Western culture and other related subject matters. 

El Correo | El Pirata de lo invisibleDecember 10, 2016

Spanish magazine features Liu Bolin's solo show "Art Hacker" at Klein Sun Gallery. 


Q&A with Widewalls and Liu Bolin uncovers his process and what has made him the internationally famed artist that he is today.  

wow! LaLa! | liu bolin: art hacker, making art for freedomDecember 9, 2016

A Q&A with artist Liu Bolin about his solo show "Art Hacker" at Klein Sun Gallery.

design boom | TOP 10 art exhibitions of 2016December 8, 2016

Designboom features Liu Bolin's "Art Hacker" as one of the "Top 10 exhibitions of 2016."

the china press | "Invisible Man" Liu Bolin turned "art hacker"December 5, 2016

The China Press interviews Liu Bolin about his solo show "Art Hacker" at Klein Sun Gallery, featuring new photographs and installtion works. 

cnn style | There's a man hiding in this photo -- can you spot him?December 2, 2016

CNN Style credits Liu Bolin's unique medium and continued reference to political and social issues.  

mistura urbana | Art Hacker - Artist Liu Bolin camouflages people in famous paintingsNovember 22, 2016

Portuguese fine arts platform Mistura Urbana writes about Liu Bolin's solo exhibition "Art Hacker" at Klein Sun Gallery. 

We urbanist | Art Hacker: Famous Masterpieces Recreated with Painted Human BodiesNovember 21, 2016

Liu Bolin uses human figures as his canvas to reinterpret two classic paintings.    

ufunk | Art Hacker – Liu Bolin camouflages his models in famous paintingsNovember 18, 2016

Art and technology platform Ufunk features Liu Bolins "Art Hacker" on their website.  

china daily | Beijing-based artist stages unique exhibition in New YorkNovember 18, 2016

China Daily discusses Liu Bolin's interest in technology and how it affects our lives. 

collater-al | Hacker Art - Liu Bolin and the post-internet artNovember 17, 2016

An article explaining the juxtaposition between Liu Bolin's use of classical masterpieces and his image of the Tianjin explosion. 

Fubiz | Contemporary Artist Liu Bolin Invests MasterpiecesNovember 17, 2016

French art platform Fubiz celebrates Liu Bolin's use of old masterpieces in his current solo show at Klein sun Gallery. 

Design boom | liu bolin appropriates classical masterpieces with canvases of camouflaged human bodiesNovember 16, 2016

Art and technology platform Designboom writes about Liu Bolin's exploration of 'disappearing and reappearing' in his work. 

Gulf News | Technology as the fabric of our societyNovember 16, 2016

Gulf News writes about Liu Bolin's commentary on our depedency on technology. 

widewalls | LIU BOLIN ART HACKS NEW YORK!November 16, 2016

Liu Bolin analyzes the impact of the internet in his solo exhibition "Art Hacker" at Klein Sun Gallery. 

Artforum | Liu Bolin11/11/2016

Liu Bolin's "Hiding in Italy," exhibition at Hendrik Christian Andersen Museum is reviewed on Artforum. 

Alaska dispatch news | Anchorage Museum show examines the world of camoOctober 28, 2016

The Anchorage Museum is dedicated to showing its viewers what they can't see rather than what they can see. 

The memo | This art will stop you spitting out your chewing gumSeptember 23, 2016

Arts and culture platform The Memo reviews "Invisible Threads: Technology and its Discontents."

The creators project | Ai Weiwei, Liu Bolin, and More Explore the ‘Invisible Threads’ of TechnologyJuly 29, 2016

The Creators Project interviews co- curator Scott Fitzgerald about "Invisible Threads," a group show including Liu Bolin and Ai Weiwei.

Articruz Media | Hiding in New Panama Canal Locks July 8, 2016

Liu Bolin's recent work in Panama is documented in this short film, published by media company Articruz Media. 

Valley advocate | “Up In Arms” — Brattleboro Museum offers an artful twist on the gun showJuly 1, 2016

Valley Advocate reviews "Up in Arms" in relation to the recent tragic gun violence in America. 

COMMONS NEWS | Targeting controversy at BMACJuly 1, 2016

Common News writes about current gun laws and events in relation to BMAC's exhibtion including Liu Bolin's work.

brattleboro reformer | Brattleboro Museum and Arts Center features different kind of gun showJune 21, 2016

The reformer interviews the director of the Brattleboro Musum. 

VT Digger | Debating Over A Different Sort of Gun Show June 21, 2016

Brattelboro Museum hosts a group show focusing on guns in artwork – Liu Bolin's "Hiding in New York No. 9 – Gun Rack," is included.

Phaidon | What happened at JR’s Louvre takeoverMay 31, 2016

Liu Bolin and Parisian photographer JR collaborate in front of the Louvre pyramid.

20 minutes | JR and the Chinese artist Liu Bolin are disappearing at a performance in front of the LouvreMay 30, 2016

French news site reports on Liu Bolin and artist JR's disappearing act in front of the Louvre. 

Europe Daily | JR, le photographe qui fait une entrée fracassante au Louvre, de son vivant May 29, 2016

The French news outlet reports on Liu Bolin and JR's performance at The Louvre. 

Latin American Art Journal | Cruz-Diez and Bolin: two artworks, one artMay 18, 2016

The Latin American Art Journal interviews Lui Bolin about his performance piece with Carlos Cruz-Diez. 

Creator's Project | Liu Bolin and Carlos Cruz-Diez May 13, 2016

The VICE vertical covers the Liu Bolin and Carlos Cruz-Diez collaboration. 

20 Minutos | Liu Bolin, el 'hombre invisible', expone sus fotos en Nueva York

The Spanish news site 20 Minutos features the work of Liu Bolin. 

El Universal | Cruz-Diez y Liu Bolin se mimetizan en una "Cromointerferencia" May 11, 2016

The culture section of El Universal features Liu Bolin's collaboration with Carlos Cruz-Diez. 

Complot | Carlos Cruz-Diez y Liu Bolin se camuflan en Panamá May 11, 2016

Venezuelan blog features the process of Liu Bolin's collaboration with Carlos Cruz-Diez. 

Ultimas Noticias | Cruz-Diez se camuflajea con Liu Bolin May 11, 2016

An article featuring Liu Bolin's collaboration with Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez in Panama. 

World Guide | Art - A powerful voice or just a tame tiger? When artists question the global food production and consumerismMay 10, 2016

Liu Bolin's work is reviewed in the group show "We are what we Eat" at the United Nations Headquarters. 

Alu Mind | YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT May 2, 2016

The United Nations show "We Are What We Eat" is featured in an article on Alu Mind. 

AOL | Chinese artist Liu Bolin is the real life master of disguise April 29, 2016

Liu Bolin is featured on the AOL. News for his participation in the United Nations show "We Are What We Eat."


Liu Bolin is featured on MILK magazine for his camouflage series.

NUVO | ARTIST LIU BOLIN The invisible man April 28 , 2016

NUVO magazine discusses the social relations of Liu Bolin's camouflage series artworks

Slate | A Chinese Artist Addresses Food Safety and Other Social Issues by Hiding in His Photographs April 28 , 2016

Liu Bolin is featured on the Slate blog for his participation in the United Nations show "We Are What We Eat."

CNN Espanol | Liu Bolin, el artista 'invisible' April 28, 2016

The Spanish edition of CNN features the work of Liu Bolin. 

MYWEKU TASTES | Finding the human form in united nation's exhibition on global food safety April 28, 2016

Liu Bolin is featured on MYWEKU TASTES blog for participating United Nation's exhibition 

Designboom | artists focus on food safety for 'we are what we eat' exhibit at the united nations April 28, 2016

Liu Bolin is featured on Designboom for his participation of "We Are What We Eat" exhibition at the United Nations.

Metal Magazine | We Are What We EatApril 26, 2018

Liu Bolin is featured on the Metal Magazine in light of his new collaboration with the United Nations. 

Hypebeast | United Nation's First Ever Group Art Exhibit on Global Food Safety Featuring Liu BolinApril 24, 2016

The United Nations is aiming to shed light on global issues surrounding food safety with Liu Bolin.

Khalee Jtimes | 'Invisible' Chinese artist at Dubai Art Season March 17, 2016

Khalee Jtimes features Liu Bolin in light of his participation in Art Dubai 2016.

The National | Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum extends her patronage to 3rd edition of Dubai Art Season February 20, 2016

News of Liu Bolin's commission by the Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice Chairman of the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture), is mentioned in this article about Art Dubai 2016. 

The New York Times I Hiding in Plain Sight December 24, 2015

Liu Bolin's Winter Solstice performance and series is featured in the International New York Times.

Harvard Medicine I The Sound of One's Own Voice November 17, 2015

Liu Bolin's "Sunflowers" is used to illuminate the delicate issue of adjusting voices and tones in the trans community. 

New York Daily News I Artist Liu Bolin’s new work supports United Nations and Global Goals campaign September 16, 2015

Liu Bolin's image "The Future," created in light of the Global Goals campaign, is featured. 

Telegraph I Revealed: the inner world of Picasso, Dalí and beyond September 14, 2015

Liu Bolin's "Liberty Leading the People" is on view at a group show curated by Picasso's grandson. 

CNN I Liu Bolin's Homemade Invisibility Cloak September 11, 2015

CNN introduces Liu Bolin with a galley of 21 retrospective photos and an accompanying article, in light of the Global Goals-backed artwork "The Future". 

Huffington Post I China's 'Invisible Man' Vanishes for UN Global Goals Campaign September 11, 2015

Huffington Post features "The Future" with an article and video interview of the artist. 

designboom I liu bolin camouflages himself against 193 UN flags for the global goals campaign September 2, 2015

Liu Bolin's process for the artwork "The Future" is described in designboom. 

TED Blog I Look closer at this collage of flags September 2, 2015

Former TED talk presenter Liu Bolin is featured on the TED Blog in light of his new artwork "The Future."

Art Radar I ‘Invisible Man’ Liu Bolin in the spotlight for UN Global Goals campaign September 2, 2015

Asia-based Art Radar features Liu Bolin's "The Future," 

La Nacion | Magia y diez horas, claves para el arte de Liu Bolin June 1, 2015

Liu Bolin's performance for the Bienal de Performance in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was featured in La Nacion. 

Business Insider | 15 incredible new photos of Liu Bolin, China's 'Human Chameleon' May 29, 2015

A selection of Liu Bolin's "Hiding in the City" series is featured.

Dangdai | Presentaron en el Macba el arte de Zhang Dali y Liu Bolin April 18, 2015

Liu Bolin's "Disappearing" exhibition (Buenos Aires Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015) and Zhang Dali's "The Second History" exhibition (Buenos Aires Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015) are featured in Dangdai. 

Telam | Macba, China y las formas de resaltar lo oculto April 18, 2015

Liu Bolin's "Disappearing" exhibition (Buenos Aires Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015) and Zhang Dali's "The Second History" exhibition (Buenos Aires Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015) are featured in Telam.

Observer | The Liu Bolin Work Commissioned by The Standard Is a Jigsaw Puzzle and We Finished It January 9, 2015

The Observer writes about the experience of putting together a jigsaw puzzle featuring Liu Bolin's commission at The Standard as part of his well-known "Hiding in the City" series.

The Standard Culture | Liu Bolin: Hiding at The Standard December 18, 2014

The Standard Culture writes about Liu Bolin's commission of his well-known "Hiding in the City" series at The Standard. 

Vulture | Can You Spot the Man at the Bar at the Standard? December 18, 2014

Vulture writes about Liu Bolin's commission at The Standard as part of his well-known "Hiding in the City" series. 

Neon Magazine | La Photo De Lecteur October 8, 2014
¡Hola! Peru | Jack Cohen September 24, 2014
Artsy | In Plain Sight: Liu Bolin’s Consumer Commentary September 19, 2014

Artsy writes about Liu Bolin's exibition "A Colorful World?" (Klein Sun Gallery, 2014). 

China Daily | Rainbow Effect September 19, 2014

China Daily writes about Liu Bolin's exibition "A Colorful World?" (Klein Sun Gallery, 2014). 

NBC News | 'Invisible Man' Liu Bolin Reappears for 'Security Check' Exhibit September 19, 2014

NBC News writes about Liu Bolin's exibition "A Colorful World?" (Klein Sun Gallery, 2014). 

Sinovision | China's "Invisible Man" Liu Bolin: Opening Reception at Klein Sun Gallery September 12th, 2014

Sinovision features Liu Bolin's exibition "A Colorful World?" (Klein Sun Gallery, 2014). 

Chemistry World | Appreciating art criticism September 11, 2014

Chemistry World writes about Liu Bolin's exibition "A Colorful World?" (Klein Sun Gallery, 2014). 

The Plus | A Colorful World? September 11, 2014

The Plus writes about Liu Bolin's exibition "A Colorful World?" (Klein Sun Gallery, 2014). 

Art Republik | Invisible Hands September 1st, 2014

Art Republik writes about the important role of artists' assistants and included Liu Bolin as an exemple. 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | Liu Bolin - Hiding in the City June 6, 2014

Post inspired by Liu Bolin's TEDTalk. 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | Liu Bolin: The "Invisible Man" Journeys from China to the West June 5, 2014

Post inspired by Liu Bolin's TEDTalk. 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | Hidden Injustices, Irreconcilable Contradictions June 3, 2014

Post inspired by Liu Bolin's TEDTalk. 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | Harnessing the Power of Invisibility June 2, 2014

Post inspired by Liu Bolin's TEDTalk. 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | A Chinese Artist Offers Irreverence and Hope With His Work May 30, 2014

Post inspired by Liu Bolin's TEDTalk. 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | The Artist Versus The Dictator May 30, 2014

Post inspired by Liu Bolin's TEDTalk. 

NOUSE | Now you see me… May 27, 2014

Nouse talks to Chinese artist Liu Bolin about China, the government and being 'The Invisible Man'.

Taggeschau | Sendung: tagesthemen 06.05.2013 May 6, 2014

The german news site showcases the work of Liu Bolin in a television segment. Arabia | Portfolio: Liu Bolin’s Invisible Man April 16, 2014

The Arabia edition of features Liu Bolin's oeuvre. 

The Sunday Times Magazine | Spot the Dissident April 6th, 2014

The Sunday Times Magazine introduces Liu Bolin's exhibition "The Heroic Apparition" (Scream gallery, 2014). 

Huffington Post - TED Weekends | WATCH: These Profound Images Are For Anyone Who's Ever Felt Invisible March 30, 2014

Huffington Post shares the Ted Talk video of "Liu Bolin: The Invisible Man". 

Creem | Liu Bolin - In Plain Sight March 1st, 2014

Creems interviews Liu Bolin about his "Hiding in the City" series.

Semana | Liu Bolin: Desapararecer Entre La Prensa November 4th, 2013

Semera presents behind-the-scenes photographs and stories of Liu Bolin's "Hiding in the City" series.

Harper's BAZAAR | Missoni Memories October 1st, 2013

BAZAAR features the work in Liu Bolin's "Hiding in the City" series in which Angela Missoni was camouflaged. 

Forbes Life Magazine | Think Pieces October 1st, 2013

Liu Bolin's "Three Goddnesses" is mentioned as part of Wilbur Ross, Jr.'s collection in Forbes Life. 

G&G Magazine | El Mago De Lo Invisible September 8th, 2013

Liu Bolin's "Hiding in the City" Series is featured on G&G Magazine.

Designboom Talks to the Invisible Man Liu Bolin July 3, 201307/03/2013

Designboom interviews with Liu Bolin for his latest "Mask" exhibtion.

The New York Times: Disappearing in Place June 30, 201306/30/2013
Complex Art + Design | Portfolio Review with the Invisible Artist, Liu Bolin June 28, 201306/28/2013

Liu Bolin shares the story behind, "Hiding in the City" at Complex + Art Magazine. 

Complex Magazine: Liu Bolin Performs "Gun Rack" At Eli Klein Fine Art in New York June 7, 201306/07/2013

Liu Bolin's "Gun Rack" is featured in Complex Magazine. 

Huffington Post: Liu Bolin's Gun Rack Performance June 6, 201306/06/2013

Huffington Post writes about Liu Bolin's "Gun Rack Performance" and address the issue of weapons control. 

Liu Boin: The 50 Best Artist Collaborations in Fashion April 4, 201304/4/2013

Liu Bolin is featured in Complex Magazine as part of the 50 best artist collaborations in fashion. 

The Commons | New BMAC Exhibits Showcase Contemporary Art of China March 15, 2013

The Commons features Liu Bolin's works in the exhibition "Hot Pot: A Taste of Contemporary Chinese Art" at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC). 

Brattleboro Reformer | BMAC Showcases Art from China March 14, 2013

Liu Bolin's 'Hiding in New York' series is reviewed as part of Brattleboro Museum & Art Center's "Hot Pot" exhibition in 2013. 

Kunst + Unterricht | Bildspiel December 31, 2012

Kunst + Unterricht features Liu Bolin's work in their article Bildspiel.

China Daily | In the Open April 27, 201204/27/2012

China Daily interviews with Liu Bolin's about his East-West experience in the art scene. 

Juxtapoz: Liu Bolin "Lost in Art" March 20, 201203/20/2012

Liu Bolin's "Lost in Art" is featured in Juxtapoz Magazine. 

Fashionista: Artist Liu Bolin Had To Massage Jean Paul Gaultier’s Leg While He Stood For His Harper’s Bazaar Portrait March 20, 201203/20/2012

Fashionista interviews Liu Bolin about his collaborative moment with Harper's Bazaar.

Streets: JR x Liu Bolin (Part I) March 19, 201203/19/2012

Arrested Motion writes about Liu Bolin's collaborative moment with JR. 

Global Asian Culture | Liu Bolin | Eli Klein Gallery August 8, 2011

Global Asian Culture interviews Mr. Eli Klein, owner of Eli Klein Fine Art, on Liu Bolin's work and practice.

Hotbook | El Hombre Invisible. Sin Photoshop, Sin Truces August 1, 2011

Hotbook features Liu Bolin's 'Hiding in the City' series.

Bloomberg | Chinese Artist Gets Painted Out July 5, 2011

Bloomberg features Liu Bolin's art together with other artists such as Damien Hirst and Robert Filliou.

Arrested Motion | Streets: Liu Bolin – Hiding In New York: Tiles For America June 29, 2011

Arrested Motion features Liu Bolin's 'Hiding In New York' series at the tiles for America site.

Business Insider | Unbelievable Picture of Human Chameleon Liu Bolin Hiding in New York June 29, 2011

Business Insider features Liu Bolin's 'Hiding in the City' project on Wall Street New York.

The Independent | Now You See Him, Now You Don't June 27, 2011

The Independent features Liu Bolin's live performance of merging into the background of a magazine rack.

Sing Tao Daily Newspaper | Liu Bolin Solo Show opened on 6/29 at Eli Klein Fine Art June 27, 2011

Chinese newspaper Sing Tao Daily features Liu Bolin's solo show at Eli Klein Fine Art.

The New York Times | An Artist Who Disappears, Appearing at Ground Zero June 24, 2011

The New York Times features Liu Bolin's art of disappearing in the 911 ground zero New York.

The International Herald Tribune | The Seesaw of Power June 23, 2011

The International Herald Tribune features a discussion between Kishore Mahbubani, Dambisa Moyo and Joseph S. Nye Jr. on Chinese contemporary art using Liu Bolin's art as an example.

The Wall Street Journal | An Artist Blends In on Wall Street June 23, 2011

The Wall Street Journal features Liu Bolin's vanishing act on Wall Street New York.

Huffington Post | Chinese Artist Liu Bolin Disappears into Kenny Scharf Bowery Mural June 23, 2011

Huffington Post features Liu Bolin's "Hiding in the City" series in New York.

The Wall Street Journal | The Art World's 'Where's Waldo?' June 18, 2011

The Wall Street Journal introduces Liu Bolin's camouflage art and his practice. 

V Magazine | The Vanishing June 1, 2011

V Magazine features Liu Bolin's intriguing "self-portraits."

Vogue Hommes Japan | Wings of Desire June 1, 2011

Japanese magazine Vogue Homme Japan features the art of Liu Bolin.

CNN World Report | Liu Bolin "Disappears" in New York June 1, 2011

CNN World Report reports Liu Bolin's "disappearing" art in New York.

The New York Times | Liu Bolin's Disappearing Act May 17, 2011

The New York Times magazine features Liu Bolin's solo show in Eli Klein Fine Art.

NPR | Chinese Artist Attempts To Blend In ... Literally April 6, 2011

NPR introduced Liu Bolin's art as an invisible man.

Yahoo! Noticias | Liu Bolin y el arte de esconderse a la vista March 16, 2011

Yahoo! Noticias features Liu Bolin's art series 'Hiding in the City.'

Metalocus | THE INVISIBLE MAN. Liu Bolin February 17, 2011

Metalocus magazine interviews Liu Bolin about the creation of "the invisible man."

Yatzer | Liu Bolin // The Invisible Man talks to Yatzer February 16, 2011

Yatzer interviews Liu Bolin about his "The Invisible Man" idea.

MAD & MAD | Dla Wlasnej Wiary: Liu Bolin January 1, 2011

Polish magazine MAD & MAD interviews Liu Bolin about his 'Hiding in the City' series.

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin | Ich Bin Dann Mal Weg December 10, 2010

German magazine Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin interviews Liu Bolin about his 'Hiding in the City' series.

Casas y Gente | Liu Bolin El Valor del Individuo October 1, 2010

A maxican magazine Casas y Gente interviews Liu Bolin on his art and practice.

Wired Magazine | Did You Spot the Artist? June 10, 2010

Wired Magazine interviews Liu Bolin about his 'Hinding in the City" series.

The New Yorker | On and Off the Walls: Liu Bolin, Hiding in the City May 26, 2010

The New Yorker features Liu Bolin on his solo show "Liu Bolin: On Fire". (Eli Klein Fine Art, 2010)

Sing Tao Daily Newspaper | Liu Bolin's Photo and Sculpture Exhibition in New York April 19, 2010

Sing Tao Daily Newspaper features Liu Bolin's solo exhibition in Eli Klein Fine Art.

The Village Voice | Spring Art Picks: Liu Bolin March 24, 2010

The Village Voice recommends Liu Bolin's exhibition at Eli Klein Fine Art.

Art Bistro | Burning Obama Sculpture, A Hot Controversy November 19, 2009

Art Bistro features Liu Bolin's burning sculpture. 

Columbia Daily Spectator | Warning: Art May Appear More Complex at Short Distances February 4, 2009

Columbia Daily Spectator features the "14 Chinese Contemporary Artists" exhibition in Eli Klein Fine Art (2009).

White Hot Magazine | Interview with Liu Bolin April 1, 2008

White Hot Magazine interviews Liu Bolin about his art and practice.

Redux Magazine | Transition Chinoise January 2, 2008

France's Redux Magazine review Liu Bolin and Zhang Peng.